Among the coverages to consider when choosing a particular auto insurance policy is the type of travel assistance they offer (basic or comprehensive), whether they include the ability to freely choose a repair shop in the event of an accident or if they will pay upfront as compensation
Third party car insurance, extended third party insurance, extended third party… the offer is very wide, and in many cases, choosing one or the other can be a headache. But by comparing the different auto insurance policies on the market, you can save up to 57% . Therefore, it is important to carefully analyze what each one offers before purchasing a particular policy – a task for which you can use
Among the coverages to consider when choosing a particular auto insurance policy is the type of assistance they offer
And it is not only the price that matters when choosing a particular insurance. The car we use from time to time is not the same as the one we use every day, even if we park it regularly on the street or in a garage, or if the car is new or a few years old. Therefore, depending on the needs of each person, it is advisable to choose one type of product or another.